Dr. Tammy Chung, Director of IFH’s Center for Population Behavioral Health and professor of psychiatry, and Dr. Carolyn Sartor, core faculty member and associate professor of psychiatry at IFH’s Center for Population Behavioral Health, are co-organizing and co-chairing a workshop at the 46th annual Research Society on Alcohol Scientific Meeting. The workshop, “Parental Supply of Alcohol to Underage Youth: Practices, Predictors, Mechanisms, and Outcomes Across Countries and Racial/Ethnic Groups” will be held during the meeting in Bellevue, Washington in June 2023.
Dr. Sartor will also be a speaker at the workshop. Her talk is titled “Parents as Source of First Alcohol in Black, Latinx, and White Pre-Adolescents: Race/Ethnicity Differences in Prevalence and Associated Family Factors.”
The Research Society on Alcohol (RSA) is the world’s largest scientific research organization devoted to understanding the causes and complications of alcohol use and alcohol-related problems and to promoting effective strategies for prevention, intervention, and sustained behavior change. The mission of RSA is to provide a forum for communication and career development among alcohol researchers, to attract and support the next generation of alcohol researchers, and to disseminate scientific knowledge regarding alcohol use.
More information on RSA and the annual meeting can be found here: https://researchsocietyonalcohol.org/