Brown Bag Seminar: Joar Fystro on Patient Nonattendance Fees in Healthcare

Event Details

Please join us for our next IFH Brown Bag Seminar. We are excited to be joined for a hybrid seminar by Joar Fystro, PhD student, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, Norway, who will present “On the use of patient nonattendance fee schemes in healthcare settings: empirical, conceptual and ethical considerations.” This seminar will be offered in-person in the 3rd floor conference room at IFH and via Zoom.

Joar R. Fystro is a PhD student at the Department of Health Management and Health Economics at the University of Oslo, Norway. He specializes in the fields of health policy and ethics. His PhD project is about the normative foundation of patient nonattendance fees in healthcare settings, which includes both empirical and philosophical works. Other academic interests include the ethics of financial incentives and compensation schemes, personal responsibility within health policy and ethical issues in biotechnology.

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