The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, a unit of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), invites applications for a Health Services Researcher with health care delivery and/or policy research experience or training.
Many opportunities exist for collaboration with significant existing lines of research on behavioral health including psychotropic oversight for foster care children, quality of care for persons with severe mental illness, psychotropic treatment in nursing homes, integrated behavioral health care, health system response to the opioid epidemic and other substance abuse and mental health topics.
Other areas of interest include comparative effectiveness research, access to care, quality of care, health disparities, integrated care for behavioral health and primary medical care, financing and organization of health care, chronic disease management and outcomes, health care reform, aging research, mixed methods and evaluation of health policy and delivery system initiatives through analyses of Medicare and Medicaid programs. Research addressing population health, translation of health services research findings into practice and the needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups is valued.
The successful candidate will be jointly appointed in the Institute for Health with tenure-track or tenured appointment in an appropriate Rutgers school or department with teaching, clinical, and/or mentoring responsibilities. Opportunity exists for appointment as a Chancellor’s Scholar.