Business Department Email Contacts

New email structure for the IFH Business Department: 

  • IFH Timesheets – – hourly timesheets for payroll and monthly absence records: Staff – Avi Darshan, Eileen Aleo, Karen Connaughton and Stacey Pacheco 
  • IFH Grants – – grant related emails: Staff – Stacey Pacheco, Karen Connaughton, Colin Coakley, Eileen Aleo, Staci Nelson-Baylor, Lisa Adams, Mia Galbraith and Cindy Mihalenko 
  • IFH Business Office – – general business questions not related to grants, HR, travel or procurement/expenses: Staff – All Business Department Staff 
  • IFH Purchases – – all procurement purchases, purchase orders, check requests, expense reports and travel inquiries:  Staff – Avi Darshan, Karen Connaughton and Stacey Pacheco  
  • IFH HR – – requests to add a position, extend and/or HR related questions: Staff – Quadir Bruce, Paula Pajaro (Temp), Avi Darshan, Karen Connaughton and Stacey Pacheco  
  • IFH ECI – – employee charging instructions and updates; ECCRT questions: Staff – All Business Department Staff