Location: Busch Student Center Multi-Purpose Room A, 604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854
Register by March 1:https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bxCrdFTM6mF99Wu
While registration is free, it is limited to the first 140 attendees. Registration will close on March 1st and there will be no on-site registration on the day of the symposium. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Michal Schnaider Beeri, Director, Krieger Klein Alzheimer’s Research Center – Welcome remarks and introduction of the new Alzheimer’s Research Center
David Bennett, Director, Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center – Mixed pathologies and resilience: charting a path to precision medicine for dementia
Mark Gluck – Interactions between ABCA7-80 genotype and sleep impact cognitive andneural function in cognitively-healthy older African Americans
Kasia Bieszczad – Whispers of dementia from the auditory brain
Allison Bernstein – Epigenetics, Environmental Exposures and Neurodegeneration
Kimberly Wiersielis – Perinatal Organophosphate Flame-Retardant Exposure on Cognitive Processing in Males and Females
Jill Rabinowitz – Associations of Circadian Rest/Activity Rhythms with Cognitive Performance and Decline: Demographic and Genetic Interactions in Middle-Aged andOlder Adults
Olga F. Jarrin Montaner – Cognitive function trajectories during the last five years of life and associated clinical and sociodemographic factors
Michelle Chen – Digital assessment of everyday cognition in aging and dementia
Nima Toosizadeh – Screening cognitive decline: multiscale entropy analysis during dual taskingusing functional near infrared spectroscopy
Steve Malin – Impact of short-term exercise training on brain insulin signaling and BDNFfrom neuronal extracellular vesicles in older adults with prediabetes
Hyung Jin Ahn – Fibrinogen’s Impact on Alzheimer’s-Related Cerebrovascular Pathology