IFH – Q & A Meeting

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: Zoom

Reminders:  Feel free to share this event with other members of your staff.

  1. Expense Reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel. – Expense reports received over 60 days may not be approved: https://procurementservices.rutgers.edu/travel-and-expense/reporting-travel-expenses#:~:text=Expense%20reports%20must%20include%20receipts%20for%20travel%20expenses,for%20any%20travel-related%20expense%20in%20excess%20of%20%2450.
  2. Questions are encouraged, you can email prior or share at the meeting.
  3. Current topics are listed in the teams channel. – Feel free to email other topics you would like to discuss.
  4. Teams – IFH Policy & Forms folder – new resource for documents relating to Grants, Human Resources, Fringe, etc – If there is a specific document you need, please let us know and we can add it to the folder.
Meeting URL: https://rutgers.zoom.us/j/92022000152?pwd=NmYzeU9MTUZEM3lGS3hmeDlhTXVXZz09
Meeting ID: 920 2200 0152
Password: 544686