12:00pm: Lunch (Seaview Restaurant)
12:15pm: Recommended Check In (Outside Seabright)
1:00pm: Welcome
Research Infrastructure Workgroups
1:30pm 1:50pm – Q&A: Business, HR and Grants Management
2:00pm 2:20pm – Q&A: Communications
2:30pm 2:50pm – Q&A: Development
3:00pm : Afternoon Break
3:15pm 3:45pm – Q&A: Information Technology and Survey Data Core
4:00pm: Community Development Panel
4:30pm: Evening Break
6:30pm (Seabright): Keynote Speaker: Marc Gourevitch, MD, MPH
Chair, Department of Population Health
Muriel G. and George W. Singer Professor of Population Health
NYO Langone Health
7:00pm (Seabright): Dinner and Reception
7:00am (Seaview Restaurant): Breakfast
8:15am: Keynote Speaker: Richard McCormick, PhD
President Emeritus, University Professor
Board of Governors Professor of History and Education
8:45am: New Jersey Health Initiatives and the State of NJ Health Policy
9:00am 9:20am – Q&A: Health Policy
9:30am 9:50pm – Q&A: Health Services
10:00am 10:20am – Q&A: Pharmacoepidemiology
10:30am: Morning Break
10:45am: Healthy Aging
11:15am: Behavioral Health
11:45am: Health Equity
12:15am (Seabright): Lunch Break
Research Thematic Panels
1:15pm: Suicide Prevention
1:45pm: Opioid Addiction
2:30pm: Afternoon Break
3:30pm: Maternal and Child Health
4:00pm: Wrap Up and Raffle