NJ ACTS Special Populations Core Seminar Series with Rachael K. Ross, PhD

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: Zoom

The Center for Health Services Research at IFH coordinates the Special Populations Core Seminar Series of the New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science (NJ ACTS), an academic and healthcare consortium based in the Rutgers Institute for Translational Medicine and Science that advances research through resources, training, and community engagement.

Rachael K. Ross, PhD, Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, will join us on Tuesday, March 4 at 1:00Pm for a virtual seminar on “Medication treatment for opioid use disorder: Leveraging claims and trial data to advance optimal and equitable outcomes.”

Dr. Ross’ research aims to develop and apply innovative epidemiologic methods to inform evidence-based clinical care, including medication treatment for opioid use disorder. In this talk she will discuss two recent research projects, one assessing the real-world comparative effectiveness of two medications in a Medicaid sample and one examining racial and ethnic disparities in medication dosing within randomized clinical trials.

Zoom: go.rutgers.edu/awe1zqdi