Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, (848) 932-7516
Kristen W. Springer PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006; MPH, Emory University, 1998) joined Rutgers in 2006. She is currently Associate Professor of Sociology and an affiliate of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research. Professor Springer’s research centers on health and aging in the context of gender relations and families. She is particularly interested in examining health as a fundamental and sensitive indicator of gender inequality. Her work emphasizes understanding possible causal mechanisms, both proximate and distal, that link social and structural factors to health inequalities. She is currently engaged in three broad research projects: 1) the gendered health effect of marital income across the life course, 2) the influence of masculinity ideals on men’s healthcare seeking behaviors dependent on socioeconomic status, and 3) the interactive influence of biology and social environment for understanding gendered health. She has published research multiple peer-reviewed journals including American Journal of Sociology, American Journal of Public Health, Gender & Society, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Science & Medicine, and Social Science Research. Professor Springer’s research has also been featured in national and international news sources including ABC News, LA Times, The New York Times, US News & World Report, and USA Today.