Center for Health Services Research Referenced in OUD Policy Issue Brief

stephen crystal and james lloyd headshots
Date: April 7, 2023
Media Contact: Nicole Swenarton

The Foundation for Opioid Response Efforts (FORE) published their April 2023 Issue Brief examining “How Have Covid-Era Flexibilities Affected OUD Treatment?”

The brief highlights the results of research from their grantees, including the Rutgers Center for Health Services Research, and reports how the changes to policies around opioid use disorder treatment access have affected patients and providers.

James Lloyd, JD, MPP, research specialist at IFH’s Center for Health Services Research and Stephen Crystal, PhD, distinguished research professor and director of the Center, were quoted in the issue brief discussing the benefits of the policy changes, as well as the persisting challenges of improving access to treatment.

FORE is a national, private, grantmaking foundation focused on inspiring and accelerating action to end the opioid crisis.

Read the Issue Brief here: