As a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a Rutgers Board of Governors Professor in Health Psychology, Dr. Howard Leventhal’s forward-thinking research furthered health psychology research on the perception and management of chronic illnesses. His NIH Mind-Body Center, which had a long history of supporting student development, examined how cognitive-affective factors affect communication among patients, practitioners and families. At Rutgers Institute for Health (IFH), he spearheaded efforts to develop studies on behavioral health in minority populations.
This scholarship will provide doctoral students with the funds necessary to jump-start their investigative careers. Two doctoral candidates (PhD or equivalent) annually will be awarded a stipend of $4,000 for one fiscal year to support promising research.
Candidates enrolled in a Rutgers doctoral program pursuing independent research that furthers Dr. Leventhal’s mission and IFH’s historical contributions to interdisciplinary population health research. Candidates focused on areas often underfunded preferred.
A completed application should include:
A committee consisting of faculty across departments and levels at the Institute for Health will select two finalists based on applications.
Applications due to by:
Sunday, January 19, 2025 [EXTENDED DEADLINE]
Learn about the 2024 Howard Leventhal Scholars.
Contact Nicole Swenarton at for more information.