IFH Faculty and Staff Receive RBHS Chancellor Awards

Date: September 7, 2023
Media Contact: Nicole Swenarton

Faculty and staff from Rutgers Institute for Health centers and affiliated institutes received 2023 Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences Chancellor Awards.

According to the awards website: “Introduced in 2020, the Chancellor Awards were established to recognize and highlight the extraordinary work of faculty and staff. The awards, which include 10 faculty categories and eight staff categories, celebrate institution-wide excellence in research in the biomedical and health sciences; clinical care; community service; mentorship; education; leadership; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and staff service and support. Nominated by their peers, recipients of the awards are selected by the Chancellor Awards Committee, which reviews the contributions of the nominees.”

Excellence in Clinical or Health Sciences Research Award

For significant contributions, by an early career investigator, to impactful clinical or health sciences research.

Chintan Dave, PharmD, PhD, Core Faculty at IFH’s Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science, and Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Administration, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy


Excellence in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award

For significant contributions to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching, scholarship, or service including clinical care at RBHS.

Arpita Jindani, Senior Program Manager, Health Equity, Education and Training, Global Health Institute


Sustained Service Award

For significant, sustained contributions to quality service that supports at least one of the mission areas at RBHS.

Matthew Iozzio, MBA, MPP, Associate Director of Finance and Administration, IFH’s Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science

Margaret Koller, MS, Executive Director, IFH’s Center for State Health Policy


Congratulations to all recipients! Awardees will be honored during a celebratory event in October 2023.