Membership Responsibilities:

Serve on faculty search committee(s)
Contribute to scientific/educational/diversity/mentoring activities at IFH
Give one lecture to IFH every 2-3 years
Give one lecture to IFH every 2 years
Serve as an advisor to IFH internship program once every 2 years
Serve as an advisor to IFH internship program
Serve as potential peer reviewer to IFH Grants
Submit grants through IFH business office

Membership Benefits:

Rutgers University affiliation as adjunct appointment in appropriate school
Shared Work Space at IFH
Opportunity to collaborate with other IFH members
Performance review and formal letter for tenure/promotion at Rutgers University
Support letter for university, regional and national awards
Participate in annual IFH retreat
Receipt of IFH calendar of events, newsletters, programs, quarterly town-hall meeting, seminar announcements as well as faculty development activities
Inclusion of IFH website and annual report
Assistance to obtain copies of NIH funded projects
Assistance with survey/study design, protocol review, grant writing, statistical/power analyses, manuscript editing services
Access to grant writing workshops
Access to external expert’s peer-review prior to NIH grant submissions
Access to community outreach and participant recruitment activities
Eligible for course buy-out
Eligible for subsidized and priority use of IFH cores and shared resources
Allocation of private IFH space
Eligible to IFH post doctorate and student trainees
Input into key strategic initiatives and programs at IFH
Meetings with IFH leadership team
Eligible for IFH bridge funding
Use of IFH seed/pilot funding
Eligible for discretionary funding
Eligible for IFH supported shared faculty hire
Access to philanthropic outreach/IFH development