Summer Research Internship Program: June 3rd – August 4th, 2019

The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH) Summer Research Internship Program is to identify undergraduate/graduate students interested in biomedical or social science research.

Dr. Peter Guarnaccia book cover
Congratulations to Dr. Peter J. Guarnaccia on the recent publication of his book “Immigration, Diversity and Student Journeys to Higher Education.”

Dr. Peter J. Guarnaccia is Professor in the Department of Human Ecology and Investigator at the Institute for Health at Rutgers University.

Dr. Joel Cantor, distinguished professor and director of the Center for State Health Policy at IFH is elected to the National Academy of Social Insurance.

In January, Joel Cantor, distinguished professor and director of the Center for State Health Policy at IFH was elected to the National Academy of Social Insurance.

Marie Bernard
Marie Bernard, Deputy Director NIA, will be visiting to IFH on January 31st, 2019.

Marie A. Bernard, MD serves as Deputy Director of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) at the National Institutes of Health. As NIA’s senior geriatrician, she serves as the principal advisor to the NIA director. She co-chairs two new Department of Health and …

Director XinQi Dong received the 2018 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Equity.
Director XinQi Dong received the 2018 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award for Health Equity.

This award is presented by the Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health, which recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions toward achieving health equity.

Emily Greenfield, IFH Associate Member, was awarded a supplement to her R01 on childhood inequality and cognitive aging.

This supplement will involve collaborating with Mark Gluck of Newark’s African American Brain Health Initiative to collect data on older African Americans’ childhood circumstances, examining their implications for healthy brain aging.

Podcast New Available: Interview with XinQi Dong of Rutgers University’s IFH

Director of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research Dr. XinQi Dong was featured in the latest episode of SmartLinx podcast. Please see the link below to listen or read this interview. Click Here for Full Article

Asian American Health: Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Special Issue Published
Asian American Health: Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Special Issue Published

Older Asian-American immigrants are healthier and happier if they are socially active, connected to their families and communities and are able to maintain their cultural values while adapting to western culture, according to a new Rutgers study.

Stephen Crystal Available for Interviews on Study Showing High Risk of Dying Among Survivors of Opioid Overdoses
Stephen Crystal Available for Interviews on Study Showing High Risk of Dying Among Survivors of Opioid Overdoses

Rutgers Professor Stephen Crystal, who co-authored a pioneering study showing that U.S. survivors of opioid overdoses are highly likely to die within a year from drug use–related causes, suicide and wide-ranging diseases, is available for interviews.

New Old Age column
IFH Director’s Research Highlighted in New York Times

New York Times journalist Paula Span wrote about elder self-neglect and highlighted Dr. XinQi Dong’s research in a March 2018 article for The New Old Age column.

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