1. What are the goals/aims of the study?
    • The goal of the New Jersey Population Health Cohort Study is to better understand the relationship between stress, resilience, and health within families in New Jersey. We are particularly interested in exploring the specific roles of individual-level, family-level, and community-level factors that impact health and wellbeing.
  2. What is a longitudinal, cohort study?
    • A longitudinal cohort study is a method of research that follows a specific group of people over time.  Cohort studies are valuable and informative as they help us understand the causes and effect of health outcomes over a period of time. 
  3. Who will be conducting the study?
    • This study will be led by Joel Cantor, ScD, director of the Center for State Health Policy. This study is also guided by a team of community and state partners and researchers with a broad range of expertise in disciplines including clinical psychology, sociology, medicine, and population health. 
  4. Who is funding this study?
  5. What are the populations of interest in this study?
    • We will conduct this study with multi-generational families in New Jersey, with an emphasis on immigrant populations. In New Jersey, the largest and fastest-growing populations are Indian, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Mexican, Dominican, Nigerian, Afro-Carribean, and refugee/asylee groups. We are collaborating with key stakeholders within each of these groups to build trust for this study and ensure that our findings are relevant for the populations. 
  6. How many people will be recruited?
    • We aim to recruit 10,000 individuals from across the state for this study.
  7. What is the estimated timeline for beginning data collection?
    • We anticipate beginning data collection in Summer 2021.