Poor Oral Health Linked to Cognitive Decline, Perceived Stress, Rutgers Studies Find
Poor Oral Health Linked to Cognitive Decline, Perceived Stress, Rutgers Studies Find

Two Rutgers studies examine the role of psychosocial factors in oral health among older Chinese Americans

Depression Linked to Costly Chronic Medical Conditions and Disability Among Aging Minorities, Rutgers Studies Find
Depression Linked to Costly Chronic Medical Conditions and Disability Among Aging Minorities, Rutgers Studies Find

Studies suggest the need for culturally relevant depression screenings to prevent the onset of disability and improve the management of chronic medical conditions of older minorities

Memory loss, dementia an understudied yet widespread phenomenon among Chinese Americans
Memory loss, dementia an understudied yet widespread phenomenon among Chinese Americans

Rutgers releases first of their kind studies revealing the impact of immigration, gender, psychological distress, education, social engagement, and oral health on Chinese Americans’ cognitive function…

Not enough is being done to prevent elder abuse in the Chinese American community, according to four new Rutgers studies published in the current edition of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
Chinese Americans face increased risk of elder abuse, Rutgers studies find

Not enough is being done to prevent elder abuse in the Chinese American community, according to four new Rutgers studies published in the current edition of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society…

Rutgers Releases Comprehensive Report on How Cultural Factors Affect Chinese Americans' Health
Rutgers Releases Comprehensive Report on How Cultural Factors Affect Chinese Americans’ Health

Newswise — Since 2011, the Population Study of Chinese Elderly in Chicago (PINE), the most extensive epidemiological cohort study of Chinese older adults in the United States …

Dr. Daniel Hortan antihistamines
For Children with Colds, Doctors are Increasingly Likely to Recommend Antihistamines Rather than Cough and Cold Medicine

Rutgers study finds increase in antihistamine use for colds, following the 2008 FDA advisory to decrease use of cough and cold medicines, despite risks…

NJTV – The Future of Healthcare with Dr. Stephen Crystal

Healthcare experts explore the changing world of healthcare by examining issues of affordability, accessibility, and new technology. Guests: Shereef Elnahal, MD, MBA, Commissioner, NJ Dept. of Health Amy Perry, CEO, Hospital Division, Atlantic Health System Stephen Crystal, Ph.D., Rutgers University

THE PURSUIT OF PARENTHOOD, a book by Margaret Marsh and Wanda Ronner

Reproductive Technology from Test-Tube Babies to Uterus Transplants. Since the 1978 birth of the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, in England, more than eight million children have been born with the help of assisted reproductive technologies.

Building a Culture of Health: A Policy Roadmap to Help All New Jerseyans Live Their Healthiest Lives.

This past year, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rutgers Center for State Health Policy, and the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development collaborated to identify policy and practice changes to help ensure that everyone in New Jersey has the opportunity for better health, no matter who they are or where they live.

Summer Research Internship Program: June 3rd – August 4th, 2019

The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH) Summer Research Internship Program is to identify undergraduate/graduate students interested in biomedical or social science research.

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