Anxiety Symptoms, Depressive Symptoms, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Use in U.S. Chinese Older Adults

Ying Yu Chao, Eunhea You, Yu Ping Chang, Xin Qi Dong 08/01/2020

This study examined the association between anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) use among U.S. Chinese older adults …

Moderators of Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Adolescents

Rachel L. Bachrach, Tammy Chung 07/27/2020

Objective: This brief review covers the current state of the literature on moderators of adolescent substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. These moderators provide information on “for whom” a specific treatment may work best. Method: We used Google Scholar, PubMed, PsycInfo, and manual search of relevant reference lists to identify eligible peer-reviewed publications from January 2005 to December 2019. Results: We summarize 21 published studies (including meta-analyses, randomized clinical trials, and correlational work) testing moderators and/or predictors of adolescent SUD treatment outcomes…

Beyond Black and White: Mapping Misclassification of Medicare Beneficiaries Race and Ethnicity

Irina B. Grafova, Olga F. Jarrín 07/27/2020

Abstract: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administrative data contains two variables that are used for research and evaluation of health disparities: the enrollment database (EDB) beneficiary race code and the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) race code. The objective of this article is to examine state-level variation in racial/ethnic misclassification of EDB and RTI race codes compared with self-reported data collected during home health care…

Alcohol Use Trajectories Before and After Pregnancy Among Adolescent and Young Adult Mothers

Irene Tung, Tammy Chung, Robert T. Krafty, Kate Keenan, Alison E. Hipwell 07/23/2020

Background: Moderate to heavy alcohol use during pregnancy (≥3 drinks/occasion) is linked to a range of adverse offspring outcomes. Prior studies suggest that adolescent and young adult mothers may be particularly vulnerable to these risky drinking behaviors during and after pregnancy. This study used latent class growth analysis (LCGA) to examine changes in risky drinking from prepregnancy to postpregnancy and identified prepregnancy predictors representing cognitive and social factors to inform prevention. Methods: Participants included 432 adolescent and young adult mothers (aged 13 to 24; 78% Black) assessed annually since childhood in the Pittsburgh Girls Study. Participants prospectively reported frequency of risky drinking (≥3 drinks/occasion) in the year of pregnancy and 2 years before and after pregnancy, as well as social–cognitive risk factors for drinking (alcohol expectancies, drinking motives, caregiver, and peer alcohol use)…

Health Services Utilization Among Chinese American Older Adults: Moderation of Social Support With Functional Limitation

Jinjiao Wang, Dexia Kong, Benjamin C. Sun, Xin Qi Dong 07/22/2020

In this study, we aimed to examine the relationship of social support with hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits among older Chinese adults in the United States …

Family Relationships and Cognitive Function Among Community-Dwelling U.S. Chinese Older Adults

Mengting Li, Man Guo, Meredith Stensland, Xin Qi Dong 07/16/2020

A broad literature has explored racial disparities in cognitive aging. Research incorporating sociocultural factors would provide a more comprehensive understanding …

Affective and sensation-seeking pathways linking borderline personality disorder symptoms and alcohol-related problems in young women

Carla D. Chugani, Amy L. Byrd, Sarah L. Pedersen, Tammy Chung, Alison E. Hipwell, Stephanie D. Stepp 07/01/2020

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) and alcohol use disorder often cooccur, yet we know little about risk processes underlying this association. We tested two mechanistic pathways linking BPD symptoms and alcoholrelated problems. In the “affective pathway,” we hypothesized that BPD symptoms would be associated with alcohol-related problems through affective instability and drinking to cope. In the “sensation-seeking pathway,” we proposed that BPD symptoms would be related to alcoholrelated problems through sensation seeking and drinking to enhance positive experiences…

Discussing Drug Use with Health Care Providers Is Associated with Perceived Need and Receipt of Drug Treatment among Adults in the United States: We Need to Talk

Pia M. Mauro, Hillary Samples, Kathryn S. Klein, Silvia S. Martins 07/01/2020

Background:Drug treatment utilization is low despite a high public health burden of drug use disorders (DUDs). Engaging people at risk for DUDs across a broader range of health care settings may improve uptake of drug treatment.Objectives:To estimate the prevalence of drug use screening/discussions between health care providers and individuals with past-year drug use, and to assess the associations between drug use screening/discussions and perceived need and use of drug treatment…

Age and Incidence of Dementia Diagnosis

Mark Olfson, Thomas Scott Stroup, Cecilia Huang, Melanie M. Wall, Tobias Gerhard 06/30/2020

Growth in the US population of older adults places an increasing number of people at risk of developing dementia. Most, but not all, studies report an increase in dementia incidence with each successive age group. Results have also been inconsistent regarding whether incidence of dementia varies between men and women of the same age. Although the incidence of dementia is higher for similarly aged black than white adults, whether age-adjusted incidence differs between other racial/ethnic groups remains unclear …

Associations between unmet palliative care needs and cognitive impairment in a sample of diverse, community-based older adults

Elissa Kozlov, Matthew J. Wynn, M. Carrington Reid, Charles R. Henderson, Xin Qi Dong, Jo Anne Sirey 06/25/2020

Objective: Given a large number of community-based older adults with mild cognitive impairment, it is essential to better understand the relationship between unmet palliative …

Association between personality traits and elder abuse in a community-dwelling Chinese population: findings from the PINE study

Mengting Li, Dexia Kong, Ying Yu Chao, Xin Qi Dong 06/24/2020

Elder abuse is a pervasive public health issue. The relationship between personality traits and elder abuse remains unclear. This study aims to examine the associations between neuroticism …

Using ICD-10 codes to identify elective epilepsy monitoring unit admissions from administrative billing data: A validation study

Brad K. Kamitaki, Shelly Rishty, Ram Mani, Stephen Wong, Lisa M. Bateman, Charlotte Thomas-Hawkins, Joel C. Cantor, Lawrence C. Kleinman 06/10/2020

Abstract: Video-electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring in the epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) is essential for managing epilepsy and seizure mimics. Evaluation of care in the EMU would benefit from a validated code set capable of identifying EMU admissions from administrative databases comprised of large, diverse cohorts. We assessed the ability of code-based queries to parse EMU admissions from administrative billing records in a large academic medical center over a four-year period, 2016–2019. We applied prespecified queries for admissions coded as follows: 1) elective, 2) receiving video-EEG monitoring, and 3) including diagnoses typically required by major US healthcare payers for EMU admission…

Face-Saving and Depressive Symptoms Among U.S. Chinese Older Adults

Dexia Kong, Yin Ling Irene Wong, Xinqi Dong 06/09/2020

Face-saving represents a unique culturally salient construct among Chinese. However, our understanding regarding its relationship with psychological distress …

Kinship bereavement and psychological well-being of U.S. Chinese older women and men

Peiyi Lu, Mack Shelley, Yiwei Chen, Xinqi Dong 06/07/2020

This study examined the relationship of kinship bereavement with the psychological well-being of Chinese American older women and men. Data from the Population Study of ChInese …

National partnership to improve dementia care in nursing homes campaign: State and facility strategies, impact, and antipsychotic reduction outcomes

Stephen Crystal, Olga F. Jarrín, Marsha Rosenthal, Richard Hermida, Beth Angell 06/02/2020

Abstract: Background and Objectives: Antipsychotic medications have been widely used in nursing homes to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, despite significantly increased mortality risk. Use grew rapidly during the 2000s, reaching 23.9% of residents by 2011. A national campaign for safer dementia care in U.S. nursing homes was launched in 2012, with public reporting of quality measures, increased regulatory scrutiny, and accompanying state and facility initiatives. By the second quarter of 2019, use had declined by 40.1% to 14.3%. We assessed the impact of state and facility initiatives during the Campaign aimed at encouraging more-judicious prescribing of antipsychotic medications…

Racial Disparities in Health Care Utilization at the End of Life among New Jersey Medicaid Beneficiaries with Advanced Cancer

Annie Yang, David Goldin, Jose Nova, Jyoti Malhotra, Joel C. Cantor, Jennifer Tsui 06/01/2020

PURPOSE Racial and ethnic disparities in cancer care near the end of life (EOL) have been recognized, but EOL care experienced by Medicaid beneficiaries is not well understood. We assessed the prevalence of aggressive EOL care and hospice enrollment for Medicaid beneficiaries and determined whether racial and ethnic disparities exist. PATIENTS AND METHODS We identified Medicaid beneficiaries (age 21-64 years) who were diagnosed from 2011 to 2015 with stage IV breast and colorectal cancer and who died by January 2016 through a New Jersey State Cancer Registry–Medicaid claims linked data set…

Associations of Child Maltreatment and Intimate Partner Violence with Elder Abuse in a US Chinese Population

Xin Qi Dong, Bei Wang 05/20/2020

Importance: People who have experienced abuse as a child or violence with an intimate partner might have higher odds of being abused again, but this has been insufficiently investigated …

Human gene and disease associations for clinical‐genomics and precision medicine research

Zeeshan Ahmed, Saman Zeeshan, Dinesh Mendhe, XinQi Dong 05/03/2020

Introduction: Since the beginning of scientific discoveries, it has been critically central to understand the cause of disease, pain, and senescence.1 Over the centuries, quests for the answers have led us to take giant leaps. It was only in the last century that the discovery of …

Development and validation of a predictive index of elder self-neglect risk among a Chinese population

Bei Wang, Ying Xiao Hua, Xin Qi Dong 05/02/2020

Objective: To develop a predictive index that estimates the individual risk of incident self-neglect onset among the US Chinese older adults …

Impact of long-term buprenorphine treatment on adverse health care outcomes in medicaid

Hillary Samples, Arthur Robin Williams, Stephen Crystal, Mark Olfson 05/01/2020

Abstract: The optimal, or even minimum, duration of medication treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD) needed to improve long-term outcomes has not been established empirically. As a result, health plans set potentially restrictive treatment standards to guide benefits and payment. To address this gap, we used a National Quality Forum measure for OUD medication treatment duration (180 days) to examine the impact of longer treatment on health care outcomes within a key population of Medicaid enrollees…

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