
General IFH

Open Rank Tenure Track Faculty in Neurodegenerative Disorders, Treatment and Systems Solutions

The Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH), a unit of Rutgers Health, is recruiting tenured/tenure-track faculty as part of the Addressing Health Equity in Age-related Disorders (AHEAD) strategic diversity cluster hire supported by the Rutgers Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative.

The faculty hired under this recruitment will advance knowledge of other neurodegenerative disorders and their treatment and systems and supports to help people experience a higher quality of life and contribute to deepening understanding of the behavioral, social, racial, ethnic, and other systemic disparities associated with these disorders. Age-related conditions are of special interest (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Lewy body disease, frontotemporal degeneration, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, vascular cognitive impairment/dementia, and multiple sclerosis) although investigators studying other conditions of the central nervous system are also encouraged to apply.

We seek to appoint two tenured or tenure-track faculty to serve as core members-in-residence within the IFH with joint appointment in suitable Rutgers Health tenure-granting unit (under some circumstances, appointment in an RU-New Brunswick unit may be possible). Candidates eligible for appointment at the level of Associate Professor or higher are preferred.

We are especially interested in candidates whose work addresses needs of underrepresented populations according to the NIH health disparities framework; targets risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases; addresses methodological/structural barriers to health care access and research participation; and translates research advances into the care of people living with neurodegenerative disorders. 

Click to read full job posting.

NJHealth Study

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Center for Pharmacoepidemiology and Treatment Science

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Center for Healthy Aging Research

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Center for Population Behavioral Health

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Center for Health Services Research

Faculty — Health Services Research/Health Policy (Tenure Track, Rank Open)

The Center for Health Services Research (CHSR) of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, a unit of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS), invites applications from Health Services Researchers with health care delivery and/or policy research experience or training for faculty positions within a multidisciplinary research group with a strong program of studies on the use and outcomes of health services, with particular strength in research on Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries; behavioral health services research; substance use, treatment and outcomes; and mental health treatment for children, the elderly, and those with severe mental illness. Research resources include extensive health services data on hundreds of millions of individuals covered by Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance. We are seeking exceptional researchers at all career states (Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate or Full Professor) who are dedicated to developing or maintaining strong programs of funded research, have a commitment to collaborative work, and show the ability to be leaders in health services and policy research. Faculty candidates must have a strong interest in building a health services or policy research portfolio working collaboratively with a multidisciplinary group of social scientists, policy scholars and clinicians. Candidates should also have demonstrated ability to develop strong, well-designed applications for federal research funding. In addition to their appointment at CHSR, applicants will receive academic appointments at Rutgers University as relevant to their background, in an appropriate school of the university. The majority of the faculty’s effort will be dedicated to health services research at CHSR. The position is full-time, tenure- or research-track, with a competitive start-up.

Click to read full job posting.

Research Assistant – Dementia diagnosis disparities 

Appointment period: January 25, 2025 – January 25, 2026

Appointment FTE: Up to 50% FTE (up to 20 hours per week)

Principal Investigator: Min Hee Kim 

Application deadline: January 10, 2025

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience reading and summarizing social epidemiologic and health service research journal articles.
  • Experience managing and analyzing cohort data (e.g., Reasons for Geographic and Racial Disparities in Stroke Study)
  • Experience with or interest in using the Center for Medicare and Medicaid data
  • Experience with or interest in multilevel data compilation
  • Proficient use of SAS (or Stata).

Job Duties: The selected research assistant will assist with a project on structural determinants (racial segregation, health care density) and racial disparities in dementia diagnosis and cognitive/health care outcomes, specifically performing literature review, managing and analyzing data, and preparing manuscripts. This project covers a breadth of substantive (structural racism, racial residential segregation, geographic distribution of health and social infrastructure, disparities in dementia diagnosis) and methodological (multilevel data compilation, causal inference, social epidemiology) topics. The selected candidate will have the opportunity to develop their own research project if interested. Please send e-mail Min Hee Kim (minhee.kim214@rutgers.edu) with their CV and a statement of interest. Also, please reach out for more information.

Center for State Health Policy

—No new listing available—

Summer Research Internship Program

The Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research (IFH) Summer Research Internship Program is designed for undergraduate/graduate students interested in biomedical or social science research. This program is a 10– week internship opportunity for qualified students who would like to gain hands-on, guided and practical experience in a project related to the interdisciplinary areas of research at IFH while being introduced more holistically to research processes and possibilities. The primary goal of this summer internship program is to support junior scholars in a myriad of ways to further their research careers.

Learn about the 2025 program and how to apply: https://ifh.rutgers.edu/highlight/applications-open-ifh-summer-research-internship-program/

Howard Leventhal Scholarship for Trainees

As member of the National Academy of Sciences and Board of Governors Professor, Howard Leventhal’s forward-thinking research furthered health psychology research in the effects of cultural context on perception and management of chronic illnesses. A long history of supporting student development through his Mind-Body Center, this scholarship will provide promising doctoral students with the funds necessary to jump start their investigative careers.

Two doctoral candidates (PhD or equivalent) annually will be awarded a stipend of $4,000 for one fiscal year to support promising research.

Learn about the 2022-23 scholars: https://ifh.rutgers.edu/highlight/howard-leventhal-scholars-announced/