This survey will ask you about your opinions on research and will take approximately 5 – 10 minutes to complete. We will also ask you for some basic information about yourself, but no information that could identify you (such as your name, birthday or address) will be collected. We do not foresee risks to subjects participating in this study. There is no direct benefit to you, however your participation may help inform and improve future research. There is no penalty for declining to participate and you may stop at any time.
Do you agree to take part in this survey?
Health research refers to the many types of scientific investigations that aim to learn about human health and disease. The involvement of patients, caregivers and healthy people in research helps researchers learn more about how to improve health and wellbeing. People can participate in research in different ways, including:
The following questions ask about your opinions on health research.
Would you participate in a study
For the following questions, answer [Strongly Agree / Agree / Neither Agree or Disagree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree]
The next questions ask about your opinions on health in the community.